When we talk about yoga we mistakenly tend to consider only the practice of asanas. But yoga is much more. It is a real lifestyle. Asanas are only one of the eight "pillars" of the eight stages of yoga, namely:- Ethical and social discipline (Yama)
- Individual discipline (Nyama)
- Posture (Asana)
- Breathing (Pranayama)
- Control of the senses (Pratyhara)
- Concentration (Dharana)
- Meditation (Dhyana)
- Liberation (Samadhi)
Whoever sets out on the path of yoga must first of all be an upright and correct person, and respect the social and individual disciplines. Only then will it make sense to approach asanas (ie what we commonly consider "yoga"). The next steps leading to "liberation" are the control of breathing and senses, the ability to concentrate and meditation.
Prices 60 minutes sessions €21
Payement via PayPal
The lessons can be done via: Skype, Zoom, Google Meet, FaceTime or Whastapp Video.
Definitions of different types of Yoga
It is important to understand that Yoga is not a religion but an art of life, a science that allows us to understand man as a whole, both materially and spiritually. The term yoga is as much about the ultimate goal of life as it is about the various ways to reach it.
The word Yoga comes from the Sanskrit root “yuj” from which three meanings emerge: union, control, and integration. Through these terms, we perceive a progression, a process, a search for communion between beings and the spiritual plane.
Too often in the West, we have approached Yoga in a restrictive way with an essentially medical approach. We were more interested in the technique than in the purpose of the posture (asana). But it must be remembered in daily practice that man is a whole: body, mind and soul.
These bases being laid, it is true that the therapeutic benefits of the postures of the postures cannot be ignored. There are different paths (Types of Yoga), the main ones being Bhakti Yoga or Yoga of Devotion, Karma Yoga or Yoga of Action Jnana Yoga or yoga of knowledge and finally Raja Yoga or royal yoga, which includes among other things, the Hatha Yoga that we practice.
Bhakti Yoga has above all a religious connotation in the sense that it is based on a particular relationship between divinity and the practitioner.
Karma Yoga implements the relationship of cause and effect. It aims to break this phenomenon through selfless action, being able to give without expecting a return. it is in a way a purification of the being on these past actions. Gradually, he frees himself from the physical and mental tensions engendered by self-interested action.
Jnana Yoga teaches that deliverance comes through knowledge, discrimination, renunciation. Here intelligence is to reason what the point is to the line.
Raja Yoga encompasses the other three. It is defined in eight stages of evolution or methods developed by Patanjali, a great philosopher from the beginning of our era, who knew how to draw the quintessence of the knowledge of Yoga and transmit it to us.
These eight steps break down as follows:
- Yama or rules of conduct (non-violence, being in the truth, not stealing, controlling the senses, not compromising yourself)
- Niyama or life disciplines (cleanliness, attitude of acceptance, asceticism, self-study, devotion)
- Asanas (physical postures of the body)
- Pranayama (breath discipline)
- Pratyahara (disconnection of the sense organs)
- Dhyana (meditative state)
- Samadhi (state of stability)
Hatha Yoga, is part of Raja Yoga.
It focuses on the physiological part of the being, hence the multitude of postures (Asanas) practiced for a single purpose, to harmonize body and mind. It is energetic yoga. Indeed, if we take the meaning of the term Hatha we find that it is composed of two words, "Ha" which means Sun and "tha" which means Moon. It is necessary to see in these terms, the opposites, but also the complementarity represented by the symbolism of the sun and the moon as are Yang and yin in the Chinese Tao. As defined above, Yoga is synonymous with union, therefore Hatha Yoga seeks to harmonize through physical exercises, the two opposite but complementary energies for the purpose of stability of the mind. Hatha Yoga invokes many energy notions: the breaths that guarantee vital energy (Prana, apana etc.), the different bodily envelopes (koshas), the channels through which the "Shakti" energy flows (the nadis), the Chakras (energy centers). In addition, in order to improve the quality of energy, an important place is given to purifications (Kriyas) of the body which use either water or air. Kriyas purify both body and mind.
Hatha Yoga has a therapeutic dimension.
The bodily hygiene that Hatha Yoga can bring is no longer to be demonstrated. Indeed, the stretching and relaxation of muscles and tendons, accelerates the vascularization of joints, vertebral discs, cartilage... and therefore their nutrition. In addition, when we practice a posture, it is effortless, without constraint and therefore without risk. Moreover, we cannot strictly speak of contraindication in the practice of Hatha Yoga, it would rather be necessary to speak of personal precautions to observe, according to its general state.
The regular practice of Hatha Yoga clearly improves our physiological and emotional stability.
Energy interactions are experienced, independently of the will. We tend to believe that the energy field, to which Hatha Yoga is attached, is lived in the head, but it is in the body that it happens. It is rather the body that will touch the mind and gradually the individual feels good. Indeed, a close, even fusional relationship exists between body and mind. the various postures gradually give back to the practitioner the confidence in his body. He will become aware of his possibilities and his blockages. As the body evolves, the mind will evolve.
Prices 60 minutes sessions €21
Payement via PayPal
The lessons can be done via: Skype, Zoom, Google Meet, FaceTime or Whastapp Video.